This is the final post in a series about acceptance and letting go of control. In this post, I talk about how truly experiencing loss makes room for new life and growth. ************** “Were it possible for us to see further than our knowledge reaches, and yet a little way beyond the outworks of […]
Acceptance as a Gateway to A More Genuine Life Part 3: The Chinese Finger Trap
So far, we have established that pain is a part of the human experience and that we hold ourselves to unrealistic expectations when we try not to feel pain. We have also established that our brains naturally lead us towards a negativity bias and ‘unhelpful’ thoughts. In this blog post, I’ll be discussing how trying […]
Acceptance as a Gateway to A More Genuine Life Part 2: The Negativity Bias
Last week’s post was about how all human beings experience pain, and how trying to stop ourselves from feeling pain is a natural behavior. Like an animal with a foot in a trap, a human in pain tries everything she can to avoid feeling discomfort. She squirms and tries to run, but only ends up […]
Acceptance as a Gateway to A More Genuine Life
In order to live an honest, full life, we must accept rather than resist all of our human experiences. We must recognize where we don’t have control and let go of the fight we all get entangled in: a fight that has us beating ourselves up, arguing with our thoughts, and denying our feelings. This […]
7 Reasons TFCBT Can Help Your Teen
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an evidenced based therapy for traumatized teens and their families. I have successfully implemented TFCBT with dozens of families over the years, but I recently became a TFCBT Certified therapist. Here are some reasons that I find the model particularly helpful and healing to the adolescents and families I work with: […]
Moving Towards
Yesterday, I had coffee with one of the most amazing women I have ever met, whom I will name “Liz.” I originally met Liz—who is retired and in her 70s—at a party where she was drinking, laughing, and telling us about her upcoming trip to bring solar power and education to people in Uganda and […]